Crosstab Report Editor - Properties Pane

The following list of properties pertain to objects added to a crosstab report. The Applies To column indicates which object types have that property. Many of these properties can be modified using the available toolbar options (for example, font colors and sizes). The Properties pane gives you a way to modify some of the properties that are not otherwise available to you.

Measurement properties (such as those that add space to a row or column, etc.) the units are determined by the current units in the design page. Double click the displayed unit to cycle through the available options.

The bottom left corner of the editor page displays the units currently in use.

Note that properties supported for text objects also apply to individual cell types of a crosstab. Within a crosstab, the text property can usually be set independently for each type of cell (row heading, column heading, and body cells) in the table.

Property Applies To Description
Add Height Crosstab Adds the specified vertical spacing to each data row in the crosstab. Units determined by the current unit selection. (Automatic sizing must be turned on.)
Add Width Crosstab Adds the specified horizontal spacing to each data row in the crosstab. Units determined by the current unit selection. (Automatic sizing must be turned on.)
Align Crosstab, Text Specifies the alignment of the selected object (crosstab table or text box) relative to a parent band or a page.
Allow Duplicates Crosstab Controls whether or not the cell accepts duplicate string values.
Anchors >
Right, or
Crosstab, Text Set the respective Anchor to True to fix the position of that edge relative to a parent object's size.

When a parent object changes size, an anchored child object will be moved or resized to maintain the same distance from the anchored edge(s). This is useful for text objects that are placed inside a band.
Auto Size Crosstab True automatically sizes the table to fit the content. False retains the size specified on the Crosstab Report Editor page.
Auto Width Text True automatically sets the width of the text object or table cell to fit the content. False retains the width specified on the Crosstab Report Editor page.
Border Crosstab True applies a border to the crosstab.
Bottom Margin Page Sets the bottom margin of the page (in inches, centimeters, or pixels, as selected).
Can Shrink Text When True, this reduces the size of the text object when other objects on the page need additional space.
Cell Fields Crosstab Not used.
Cell Levels Crosstab Not used.
Color Text Allows selection of a background color by displaying a list of built-in colors as well as a tool for selecting custom colors.
Column Fields Crosstab Not used.
Column Levels Crosstab Not used.
Columns Page Used to draw equally-spaced column separators on the page that can be used as guides for placement of other objects. These columns are not visible when the report is rendered.
Cursor Text Selects the cursor to display when the mouse hovers over the object in preview mode.
Data Field Text When a dataset is selected, this provides a list of the available data fields for a database text object.
Dataset Crosstab, Text Selects the dataset currently in use for the crosstab or for the database text.
Def Height Crosstab Sets the default height of each row in the crosstab, in pixels. Use 0 to automatically size the crosstab when it is rendered.
Description Crosstab, Text, Bands A description of the object (optional).
Display Format Text Specifies the data format for the text object (text, number, or date/time), the decimal separator character, and allows entry of a custom format string.
Display Format >
Decimal Separator
Format Str
Kind Display
Thousand Separator
Text Specifies the following:
  • Decimal separator character used for numeric data in the text object.
  • Format string used for the text object.
  • Type of formatting (Text, Numeric, Date Time, and Boolean.
  • The thousands separator character used for numeric data in the text object.
Down Then Across Crosstab Specifies how large crosstabs are split across pages.
Duplicates Text Specifies how duplicates in adjacent cells are displayed (Clear, Hide, Merge, or Show).
Fill Text Displays a dialog that allows you to set the style and colors for an optional fill pattern used for a text object.
Fill >
Back Color
Fore Color
Text, Bands These properties control the individual style and color settings for the fill pattern.
Font Text, Bands, Page Specifies the object's font attributes. When you edit the top-level font property, you can use the familiar font selection dialog to set the font, style, size, color, and other available options.
Font >
Text, Bands, Page These properties control the individual style, color, and other settings for the font.
  • The orientation property is not used.
  • Expand the Font > Style list to select or deselect bold, italic, underline, and strike out styling.
  • Font characteristics are applied in a hierarchical manner. The page settings will propagate to each child object on the page, etc.
  • Set the Parent Font to True to allow an object to inherit the font properties of the parent.
Frame Text, Bands, Page, Crosstab Frame properties set the border characteristics for the selected object.
  • Use the Typ property to enable each segment of the border that you want to show on the rendered report, or
  • Use the border buttons in the menu bar to turn border segments on and off.
Frame >
Bottom Line
Left Line
Right Line
Top Line
Text, Bands, Page, Crosstab Expand the Bottom, Left, Right, or Top Line property to display controls for the respective line. You can set the color, style, and width of each line individually. These settings default to the setting of the Frame itself, but can be changed individually.
Frame > Color Text, Bands, Page, Crosstab Specifies the default color for the frame (border) around the object.
Frame > Drop Shadow Text, Bands, Page, Crosstab True adds a drop shadow to the object's frame.
Frame > Shadow Color Text, Bands, Page, Crosstab Allows selection of the drop shadow color by displaying a list of built-in colors as well as an available custom-color tool. This has no effect if Drop Shadow is not enabled.
Frame > Shadow Width Text, Bands, Page, Crosstab Specifies the width of the drop shadow. This has no effect if Drop Shadow is not enabled.
Frame > Style Text, Bands, Page, Crosstab Specifies the default style of the line used for the frame.
Frame > Width Text, Bands, Page, Crosstab Specifies the default width of the line used for the frame.
Frame > Type Text, Bands, Page, Crosstab Controls the display of frame borders. Expand the Typ property to add or remove individual frame borders. True adds the border, False removes it.
Gap X Crosstab, Text Specifies the left indent for the text in a cell (in pixels).
Gap Y Crosstab, Text Specifies the top indent for the text in a cell (in pixels).
Height Text, Crosstab, Bands The height of the object (in inches, centimeters, or pixels, as selected).
  • Note that Auto Size must be set to False if you want to control the height with this setting.
  • This property is not fully supported for crosstab objects. Use other methods to control the height of a crosstab object.
Hide Zeros Text Controls whether or not zero values will be hidden. This is primarily useful in crosstab cells. A setting of True hides zero values.
Highlight Text Specifies the characteristics of highlighting used for the object in the rendered report.
Highlight > Apply Fill Text Enables or disables highlighting on the selected text.
Highlight > Apply Font Text Enables or disables the use of a specific highlighting font for highlighted text.
Highlight > Apply Frame Text Enables or disables the use of a frame around the highlighted text.
Highlight > Color Text Allows selection of a highlight color by displaying a list of built-in colors as well as an available custom-color tool.
Highlight > Condition Text Specifies the condition under which highlighting is applied. Use the Conditional Formatting button in the toolbar to display the Condition dialog and edit the condition settings.
Highlight > Fill Text Displays a dialog that allows you to set the style and colors for an optional fill pattern used for the highlighting.
Highlight >
Fill > Back Color
Fill > Fore Color
Fill > Style
Text These properties control the individual style and color settings for the fill pattern used for the highlighting.
Highlight > Font Text Displays a dialog that allows you to set the font and font characteristics for the highlighted text.
Highlight >
Font > Charset
Font > Color
Font > Name
Font > Orientation
Font > Quality
Font > Size
Font > Style
Text These properties control the appearance of the text by setting each property separately.
  • Most of the properties can also be set in the main Highlight > Font dialog.
  • The Style property expands so that you can select Bold, Italic, Underline, and Strike Out style for the text.
Highlight > Frame Text Displays a dialog that you can use to customize the appearance of the frame (border) around the highlighted area. You can also expand the Frame property to display the individual properties that you can set.
Highlight >
Frame > Bottom Line
Frame > Left Line
Frame > Right Line
Frame > Top Line
Text Expand the Bottom, Left, Right, or Top Line property to display controls for the respective line. You can set the color, style, and width of each line individually. These settings default to the setting of the Highlight Frame itself, but can be changed individually.
Highlight > Frame > Color Text Specifies the default color for the highlight frame (border) around the object.
Highlight > Frame > Drop Shadow Text True adds a drop shadow to the highlight frame.
Highlight > Frame > Shadow Color Text Allows selection of the drop shadow color by displaying a list of built-in colors as well as an available custom-color tool. This has no effect if Drop Shadow is not enabled.
Highlight > Frame > Shadow Width Text Specifies the width of the drop shadow (in pixels). This has no effect if Drop Shadow is not enabled.
Highlight > Frame > Style Text Selects the line style to use for the highlight frame.
Highlight > Frame > Typ Text The Typ properties control display of the individual highlight frame borders. Expand the Typ property to add or remove individual frame borders. True adds the border, False removes it.
Highlight > Frame >
Typ > Left
Typ > Right
Typ > Top
Typ > Bottom
Text True displays the selected border, False hides the border.
Highlight > Frame > Width Text Specifies the width of the highlight frame border (in pixels).
Highlight > Interactive Type Text Not used.
Highlight > Visible Text True allows the highlight to be displayed, as configured with the other highlight properties. False hides the data in the cell when the condition for highlighting is met.
Horizontal Align Text Specifies the horizontal alignment of the text within the text box (Block, Left, Right, or Center).
Index Tag bands Not used.
Join Equal Cells Crosstab True causes cells with equal values to be joined within the crosstab.
Keep Rows Together Crosstab True keeps the rows of a crosstab together when the report is rendered.
Keep Together Crosstab True keeps a band together with all its subbands when the report is rendered.
Left Crosstab, Text, Bands Specifies the left offset of the object (in inches, centimeters, or pixels, as selected).
Left Margin Page Specifies the left margin of the page (in inches, centimeters, or pixels, as selected).
Max Width Crosstab Specifies the maximum column width for the crosstab object (in pixels).
Min Width Crosstab Specifies the minimum width of the crosstab object (in pixels).
Name Crosstab, Text, Bands, Page Specifies the name of the object.
  • The name must be a valid component name (no spaces, no special characters).
  • For crosstab cells, the name is assigned by the system, and is based on the name of the crosstab it belongs to. If you change the name of the crosstab, the cell names will also change.
Next Cross Crosstab Specifies the next crosstab, when there are multiple crosstabs in the report and they are to be placed side by side horizontally.
Next Cross Gap Crosstab Specifies the gap between adjacent (side by side) crosstabs.
Orientation Page Specifies the orientation of the page (Landscape or Portrait).
Page Count Page Limits the number of pages rendered for a preview.
Paper Size Page Specifies the paper size for the report. Select the appropriate paper size from the list provided.
Parent Font Text, Bands True causes the object to use the parent object's font.
Plain Cells Crosstab This setting controls how values in the cell of a crosstab are displayed when a cell in the crosstab contains more than one data value.
  • Select True to display the values side by side.
  • Select False to display the values stacked vertically.
Printable Crosstab, Text Controls whether or not the object will be printed. False allows the object to be displayed in a preview, but not printed.
Print If Empty Page Controls whether or not the page will be printed when all datasets on the page are empty. True allows the print to continue for empty reports.
Print On First Page Page Header Band, Page Footer Band True includes the selected header or footer band on the first page of the printed report. False prevents the band from printing on the first page.
Print On Last Page Page Footer Band True includes the footer band on the last page of the printed report. False prevents the band from printing on the last page.
Repeat Headers Crosstab Controls whether header bands will be displayed on all pages of the report.
Right Margin Page Sets the right margin of the page (in inches, centimeters, or pixels, as selected).
Rotation Text Specifies the rotation (counter clockwise) of the text, in degrees.
Row Fields Crosstab Not used.
RTL Reading Text True enables right-to-left reading mode for text in the rendered report.
Row Levels Crosstab Not used.
Show Column Header Crosstab Controls whether or not the column headers display on the crosstab. True includes the header for both print and preview.
Show Column Total Crosstab Controls whether or not the column total displays on the crosstab. True includes the total for both print and preview.
Show Corner Crosstab Controls whether or not the corner cell displays on the crosstab. True includes the corner cell for both print and preview.
Show Row Header Crosstab Controls whether or not the row headers display on the crosstab. True includes the header for both print and preview.
Show Row Total Crosstab Controls whether or not the row totals display on the crosstab. True includes the totals for both print and preview.
Show Title Crosstab Controls whether or not the title displays on the crosstab. True includes the title for both print and preview.
Stretched Report Title Band, Page Header Band Controls whether the text in the object can be expanded.
Stretch Mode Text Specifies how the text can be stretched (Actual Height, Don't Stretch, or Max Height).
Suppress Null Records Crosstab Controls whether or not null records are suppressed in the crosstab. True suppresses the null records.
Suppress Repeated Text Controls whether or not repeated values are suppressed in the text. True suppresses the repeated values.
Tag Crosstab, Text, Bands Not used.
Top Crosstab, Text, Bands Specifies the top offset of the object (in inches, centimeters, or pixels, as selected).
Top Margin Page Sets the top margin of the page (in inches, centimeters, or pixels, as selected).
Vertical Align Text Specifies the vertical alignment of the text within the text box (Top, Bottom, or Center).
Visibility Crosstab, Text Displays the current setting for visibility of the object (visible in Preview, Export, and/or Print). Expand the property to control the individual visibility settings.
Visibility >
Crosstab, Text True makes the object visible for the specified output mode. False hides the object in that mode. Note that the Visible property, when set to False, overrides the Visibility settings.
Visible Crosstab, Text, Bands True makes the object visible for printing, export, and in preview mode. When set to False, the object is not visible in any output. For more granular control, use the more specific Visibility settings, above.
Width Crosstab, Text, Bands Controls the width of the object (in inches, centimeters, or pixels, as selected). Note that Auto Size must be set to False if you want to control the width with this setting.
Word Wrap Text Specifies whether or not text in the text box will wrap. False prevents the text from wrapping which may result in some data not being visible.